Well – It’s a bit like the song that Bon Jovi never recorded this! With the style of something from Slippery with the production of 7800oF. Some nice 80s style keyboards kick it off, some awesome riffage and then we’re into full-on Livin On A Prayer stuff with some Talk-Box action. I’m a huge fan of the guitar playing style here and I’d swear it was Richie Sambora, right down to the harmonics, I really would. and the vocals are almost exactly like a young Jon The entire song is phenomenal actually and I really wish that JBJ and the boys were still capable of this kinda stuff. I don’t exactly sit with a checklist but, if I did, every box would be ticked for me here. Structure, energy, catchy chorus, clean, melodic vocal and a killer guitar solo. I loved this and want to hear more!

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