Occasionally, I get hit by a song that is a bit of a curveball. It doesn’t SOUND like I should be liking it, but I just can’t help myself. THIS is one of those very songs.

Things kicked off with a bit of a Beatles type vibe and it had a cracking energy from the off.

I loved the rocking ACDC style riff that drove the track on and thought that the vocal was amazing.

The tone of the guitar solo gave a sharp contrast to everything else that was going on and, as that faded, in comes some funky blues infused keys.

I even liked the harmonica parts!

The perfect blend of rock, blues and country coupled with the stylised elements made this song a bit of a winner for me. The singer didn’t seem to break sweat but it was a vocal of real quality and tone.

I’m off for a listen to the album Songs From The Dirt Road now.

If you like the sound of this, you can check out their album on Amazon Music.

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 Download Memphis And The Grande – Songs From The Dirt Road (Album) on Amazon

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