This began with an electronic, almost dance-edged intro, along with a soft very clean vocal which was really impressive. I had been lulled into thinking this was going to be some easy listening goodness though because, just as I was relaxing, I was taken by surprise (in a good way) when, around thirty seconds, the song just burst into life.  I thought this had an amazing energy to it and, not only was the lead vocal amazing but the BVs were outstanding! Amazing how a song can be both happy AND agressive at the same time. When the growliness in the vice appeared, my first feeling was deflation (you know how I feel about growly) but, then I looked at the time remaining and we only had seconds to go and the growl never lasted at all, so all was good. An all round stormer of a song – and I LOVED the solo too.

If you like the sound of this, you can check out their album on Amazon Music.

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