What an intriguing intro.

This is a pretty thunderously energetic driving rock track. The urgency of the drum beat, matched with that riff as the vocal came in…. just the right amount of aggression to it.

Vocally, this is is on a par with the artists that the band have cited as “similar to” which, is no mean feat with Shiraz Lane and Crashdiet two top bands in this style (in my opinion anyway).

That breakdown around 2:30 with the deep spoken vocal put me in mind of a W.A.S.P track actually and I thought it was a really effective touch.

The way the vocal lifted after three minutes was pretty stunning as well and it blended into that blistering guitar outro in style.

Another artist that, by their own admission, don’t want to reinvent the wheel and, going on this evidence… Why should they?

Awesome song. LOVED it!

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