A rifftastic ball of energy this track, no joke!

While I was listening, I was just thinking that the vocal was a lot more laid back than a previous song I had heard and then, 1:06 (ish) it just takes the roof off!

Being totally honest, it did sound a wee bit off as it went for that higher end but, I quickly forgave it because I just loved the gritty tone.

The track is very Rolling Stones/Primal Scream in style but that’s no bad comparison really is it?  When it came to solo time, in came a nice bluesy guitar, backed by some almost faint, piano work.

I couldn’t help but think that, as good as the guitar was, I’d really have liked those keys higher in the mix. It would just have added some cracking depth and character here.

My actual FAVOURITE part in the whole song though? 2:01 .. those drums! Check it out!

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