It started off with a bit of a “Cats In The Cradle” vibe so I was hooked right away. It already had a headstart this one when I read that Johnny Gioeli was the singer – I love the stuff with Hardline in particular. The guitar sound and strumming pattern, married with the drum beat made for a very classy intro and when the vocal joined in, I knew we had ourselves a cracker and, it only got better.

A real energy quickly built and, as we approached it,  there was no mistaking the chorus as it repeated a fair bit throughout but then, I suppose I want something memorable and singable so, box ticked 🙂 The solo around 2:12 was just the icing on the cake for me.

Well written, well played and well produced. Now, it was actually written in 1972 and I’ve heard the original version too which is more than decent and its a pretty timeless piece of music. The vocal by Mr Gioeli adds an extra special dimension to it is all I’ll say

If you like music like Little Angels, FM or Hardline, then this should be on your download/purchase list.

If you like the sound of this, you can check out their album on Amazon Music.

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 Download Bob Birthisel-What About My Reward (2024) ft Johnny Gioeli on Amazon

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