A thunderous intro brings the latest Bad Actress single through my speakers and it isn’t long until the vocals enter the fray.
There’s a bit of a different vibe this time around and it puts me very much in mind of W.A.S.P’s Blackie Lawless with that melodic growly style.
Other than that, it’s pretty much business as usual for these guys from the north of Scotland… That guitar work is almost like a second vocal in most Bad Actress songs and it’s no different on ‘Alive’. Drum wise, I think these are a bit angrier and moore determined sounding than the fun, glammy style synonymous with their style which, again, shows that maybe the boys are getting old haha!
“Anyone can get stuck in their head with the anxieties of life and overthinking things to the point that it’s hard to function. This song is about having an outlet for that. That outlet can be anything that really makes you feel alive. In terms of this song, the outlet is the stage. That’s where we really come alive, not just in how we perform as a band but in how we feel.”
In any case, it’s a cracking song and you should give it a listen.